Well today I was hunting and having a good time, not keeping track of my exp (thats y my movable hp bar is over my exp) when i noticed I got another drop!

Ok... Ok... I know an nzel isnt much but I am still quite weak and a n00b so I'm proud. :) Then I decided to finish off my hunt in desert. This is what I get from it:

Pretty good level up! Then I decide to hunt ToI (with my bugbears). Got owned... Summon died. So i resummoned and went to cyclops area. Could only find about 4 cyclops there... so I tele around and saw a dark elf elementalist and attacked it. It OWNED my summon so I had to tele. Then I decided to get rid of my summon and this is what I got:

At first I was speachless... Didn't know what to say at all. Then I thought... Well... No one would buy it for that extremely bad price... So I will try to sell it cheaper than most people or learn it. If you want to buy it whisper me please! I'm out now, so talk to you all later!
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