AWESOME UPDATE! Hunted with my good friend NineInARow, tried to make peace with Zeferoth and got some nice drops from DI bosses! Everything is looking up for me!
So aparently Vengance hates the pledge i'm in (RDR) so we were trying to make peace with Zeferoth and I whispered him and he agreed to stop hitting us, but he'll hit one of our members XxLeNgxX (for personal issues). Which is fine, but Zef is a real ass hole. That babo needs to learn some manners.

So I went hunting with NineInARow, and we made some good money and dencent exp.

Killed Iffy, he droped junk. =/

Then I went to Dream Island with some friends last night, made some nice drops from the bosses there! ^_^ we came across a 1 hit fire, ouch :(

Here are all the drops we got from last night and I put some in from this morning aswell. Best drop was a bdai. ^_^ I love DI! (some of the screen shots over lap from one boss, couldnt fit all drops in one screen shot, lol).

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