Well... I am starting to get sick and tired of not being able to find someone to heal (LoL) so I went on test for a few minutes. I go east of HV and kill a few Ogres... Well I got this from them:

LoL so I'm like laughin and freakin out because I've never gotten it EVER. I know this is test server and the drops r souped up but I never believed that they dropped it. so lets go forward into the story. I got someone to global for me and I got one whisper. He offered me 750K so I'm like sweet! But right when I am about to say ok I get another whisper for 1.5mil LoL! So they start to outbid eachother and Pucca (I think that was his name) paid 1.85mil for it. The main reason to play test was to go blow something up since I don't have enough money on dep. Well I guess I gotta gotta be happy today because I got to. :) This is what happens:

From there I attempt to make them +6. This is what happened:

Only one went +6... the first one. I don't care though it was fun! So I try to add an nzel to it this is what happens...!!!

LoL so it blew, no biggy! I see I have more than enough to go to that gambling dude and test my luck there. I get this from him:

Pretty cool! I go to giran to sell those homrs to get enough to try to make this +5! I know I shouldn't test my luck but whatever!

LoL so now I'm laughing! I'm completely broke and have a +5homr now. I have about 18K... that's 5K more than I started with LoL. I see someone in town so I tell him "if this goes +6 I'll give it to you, as long as you gimme a zel" Hes all like ok but it wont go. so this is what happens!!!!

LOL so he's all like OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! I'm like np man I'm a man of my word. Thanks for the Nzel :) Needless to say I had so much fun. I'm blessed so if anyone wants something over enchanted on test email me lol.
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