Thursday, January 27, 2005


I figure it has been a fair while since I posted some pics. Here is what has happened over the past few days:
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Sigh just an N-zel... oh well it helps me out still!
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I saw them and was like woot! (hoping for a cap lol). well turns out when I called pledge ArSun and Polidark ended them and I didn't get a piece of them >.Image Hosted by
LoL this was the saddest thing ever! I teled there (after knowing they spawned) and had 150hp... well lemme just say that's the third death! I am shocked... no real buffs on and I managed to get a drop lol... to bad it sucked!
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sigh another N scroll... But... like i said just above every little bit helps!
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we split up shortly after that. Only 3 of us decided to stay tho!
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This was kinda nice... when we split the drops I got like 30K and a cancel book... well i was an idiot and accidently sold it to the store... LOL!
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LVL UP!!! WOOHOO!!! As you can see it was a good level up :)
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I borrowed someone's rosc to quickly summon and then began my hunt for rotc. I got this and was like O.o! I forgot Muryans dropped CoPs!
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BladeWarrior and I just get into dv looking for a mop and the very first Ogre we killed dropped me that zel hehe. The next few picks r all N-scrolls.
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Well I was going boss looking and decided... hmmm lets check AG!
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He was up!!! WOOT! Drop was 8.3K adena... how sad... So then MerryXmas, Badonkadonkk, and I went to FI for our exp run and my screen kept shaking! I was like umm wtf? We go abit left and see this!
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Kinda crappy drops but at least thats another one off my list! Shortly after Badonkadonkk and I were about to go to ToI. Bad needed some time first so I went ahead and was called for this boss:
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pretty sad drops... NC you better increase boss drops! Giants is the luckiest guy i've ever seen!!! Look at this pic!
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nah haha he fed those to it! The day after (being today) I went to DI and found nightmare... 15 hastes and an earth!
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sigh another N scroll LOL!
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SmokaH and I came across a weak fire but we ended up leavin it (SmokaH died and I tried to CoC it to death but didnt work LoL) Well thats it for now! Sorry for the amount of pics but I like pics more than reading! lol


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