Well it has been a very long time from the game! I think I will make a return for good (at least till 52) if I can get some help! I'll return the cash or items, whatever is needed! I'll revive LegendarySS becasue I don't wanna lose all those spells, especially Blizzard.
I'll be MOVING back to BC, so that's pretty sweet! I'll be staying at my friend's house for a while and that will be fun! Time to bug his parents, sister, and him! muwahahaha! Errm... anyways! I think I'll be going now!
I hope to post often when I get my account. As long as I get a SoM I will get my account asap ^_^ Oh and MerryXmas... I'll pay u back for the knight items on my other account if you want ^^
PS. For your own information, I will be the only one posting on this site for a while I figure.