Not much has been going on. Decided to have some fun after camping Drakes. Met up with Vig, MrPuff and XRyanX. Puff, Vig and I went to hunt Succubi, and came across Anth's domain. I figured it would be fun if we went in (saying that as a joke) and we actually did. I was scared of dying (since I died a stupid way a few hours b4 this) and only got 1 screen. On the left you'll see Vig's blog, click on that for more pics!

I paid for my friend's acc, but he decided to quit since the game was no longer fun for him. BladeWarrior gave me +6IB, +6TS, APM, +8RKH and a lot of other items. Gave him my +5IB and +5TS as a trade in. He went enchanting fun, and pretty much everything blew lol. I bought Invis, since I've been longing for a new spell. I MIGHT level in a week from now, If I don't have to work as much O_O
Anyways, I gotta work at 5:30 in the mornin, so I must sleep lol. Lates all, have fun.
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