Was running around FV hunting for soscs (so I have lots and mowin can catch up in leveling) when i came across something that would hurt me to much to even attempt to end:

I ran and teled since my summon got wasted LoL. Awhile after FieldsOfLove showed up. Him and I hunted for awhile and then bam!

I would say the level ups that I like! At least 10MP/lvl makes me happy :) Oh well thats one step closer to closing in to my level 48 mage... Also bought my own Belt of Mind so I don't need to buy that yet! Now I just need ARobe and a new helmet then I won't be borrowing nothing! Until then... I guess I will be borrowing DARKESTDAYS' Mage set lol. Thanks FieldsOfLove for the soscs!
Oh on a side note! My real life friend Corey just started playing (thanks to me for hitting his accoutn back ^_^). He has a +6SoM so he sucks... @.@ I wont say his name because he might not want me to :P Anyways it's getting late so I should go to sleep! Decent day for me... better get a decent sleep :)
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