It's been awhile since my last post so here comes a mid-sized one. I finally saved up... *drum roll please*

3mil! If I keep this up in due time I can get my Ancient Robe! After that I decided to go and have some fun in OWL. My real life friend, that came on ventrilo, said he was there so I thought I'd bug him alittle. Well the only Ghoul he decides not to touch... well... I'll let the picture speak for me.

The next day (being today) we head up to 30F looking for vampire but not up. As soon as we got to the floor I almost crapped my pants when I saw this:

Well... all good things must come to an end... literally!

I had alot of fun but I wont let my very first death bum me out. On MageWarrior I died 51 times at level 47 and downleveled from 16-15 like 30 times. I'd say it's an improvement! Anyways I go back in game now!
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