Been awhile so here is whats happened over the past few days. Went around helping XTheLegendX (BladeWarrior's brother) to get the turtle shell for level 15 knight quest. Got this in the process:

Was kinda cool I don't get those to often :) So he finds a turlte and runs off the screen and I HAD to kill this Ramia since it was shouting kill me! I get this:

Hmmm I thats weird o.o I just got 2 back to back pretty much! I was loving it :P BladeWarrior and I decided we could take FI and we did! Was very good exp for the short time we were there for!

Whoa! Another one! Was kinda hoping for something else but you cant win'em all! So I decided to leave that area and go to dvc in hope for ropc/rotc/bliz and got this:

Sucks that it was N :( The next day I hunted with BladeWarrior and RIGHT when we got down to 3f we get this:

sigh another N :( When will we get a B-zel?! We got a B-dai so far from'em :( Oh well. The next day (Being today) I was in dvc 4-5f and decided... hey... imma go 11-14f in toi! well dire wolves dont give me mp so i lasted a few mops and got this!

ARG ANOTHER N!!!! I WANT MY BZEL SO I CAN PAY OFF MY 4MIL DEBT!! Errm... Anyways I had fun :) I go back in game soon! Later all!
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