I'll be trying to play lineage more often now... also... ventrilo is up and running. My computer isn't fixed yet, but that's ok. the lag isnt THAT bad now. anyways, its 4 am, im not tired but i should try to get some sleep. lates!
I have had a few things lately. Been having some problems with my computer. Been busy with the move. Been busy thinking about the game im working on as well. I wont be playing lin for awhile... not till my computer gets fixed... which will take as long as it takes me to get another portable hard drive.Other than that, not much has happened. I will post again when I can player tho! I should go now tho... lates!
Yo,Kenny you fool! its been like a week since your last post! Is this my web site now? what happend to one spell book a day??? I know you moved but thats no excuse! I have to tried to get a hold of you some how but your always 'AWAY' on msn. Your missing out lol. oh well, get in touch bro! oh wait, let me try ventrilo.... damn still not up. oh well see you when ever.PS. POST you BASTAGE!!!PPS. Go VOTE this Monday!!!!!! "Why not speek up, when everyones listening??"
YOOOOMe again... Kenny... ur a bastage!! FireWall? i mean come ON~ lol how much do you owe MarryXMas? How WILL you pay him back??? .... *sigh* its too bad ur all the way out there BRO.... lets just say... im not telling you until i see you again... so to BAD for you!oh and i know im being difficult but is there truly any other way to do things? loluntil the next time!
Thanks to Merry, I seem to be getting a spellbook a day!

Weeee! I hope I can somehow get a drop thats worth a lot so I can pay u back soon bro! Other than that, there isn't much to post! Oh other than the fact that me and a few others r making our own mmorpg. Dont even bother asking what the game is because I will not tell u. I wont even tell u who is helping me make the game.
Have fun! Bye
Don't know where to start... so I'll say Pink has some stuff to post! Valakas and whatnot... HIS FIREBALL LOOKS SWEET! Anyways... Nice post Corey! good to see other people posting sometimes :P On to the main events now tho! Merry and I were hunting for awhile in DVC (him and I both have things useful to us). After awhile...
BOOM HEADSHOT! That was so incredibly awesome! Thanks for letting me learn it man! I'll make sure to get ur spirit crystals :P At least try ^^ Moving forwards... I should prolly post pics of what I got within the last week! First pic:
+7B-SoM! That brought my willingness to play! Then to make everything better!
I know I already posted that I got it, but this is to show I learned it! Not bad and looks sweet!
Another new spell learned this week!
I finally got to use this spell today! On dogs tho :/ lol
That's all for now! Hopefully I can pay off my debts and get arobe and coi ^^ or others! but I must go for a bit, lates!
Yo, Yeah im Kennys friend as stated below lol, he was so exstatic when he got holy walk on his first hunt over at my house! but i can see Kennys getting lazy with his posts because there hasnt been a new one since he was here a week ago! oh well he wants to get a $500,000,000 spell book and sell it so he can get me to play again. All i say is "good luck" lol . well im just sitting here blasting Linkin Park. what a way to spend a friday night eh? My girl friend wasent ALOWD to come over... not alowd? what is this world coming to when her parents only let us get together twice a week! how rude! 20 years old and her parents are still treating her like a child... go figure.Well, until i feel like posting again!
I am now at another friend's house. I will be here till Sunday night. I was hunting today and a friend told me a good spot to go to get holy walk. Well needless to say, we'll let this pic tell u:

First thing I do is stop to think for a moment... Did I really get this?! After a few minutes (rofl) i tele and go learn it! I am stacking it up right now in GTZ ^_^
Ahhh this is awesome! Well I gotta go to sleep now, so lates!
Ahhh... and the moment most ppl wait for:

BOOM HEADSHOT! CONGRATS MAN! Thats all I have to update on! Give him ur congrats from whisper only plz! I think I should go to bed now tho! Lates!
Happy New Years! All I have to say is that Pink should be posting an interesting convo from our pledge! I just reformatted and forgot to make the post b4 I did that... so Pink will do it! Lates! Time to fully update yet again, YAY!