Been awhile since I posted. I haven't been able to play much thanks to my job... it blows... it really does. I'll try to play a bit more soon so I can finally hit 50. Here r some pics of what happened lately in lin:
As u can see, not that much :/ A few iffy end pics and whatever. anyways, i think i wanna play some lin, so lates!
Screen shots! Not much been going on, just some screens shots over the past week or so. Today Bapho was up and we got a chance to end him, but of crouse he dropped shit.

Iffy actually dropped good, nzel/ndai and other junks :)

nzel, bdai, and...... pho dropped me... dun dun CHAIN MAIL OMG! :P

Yep, it is true! I have finally hit lvl51 and i'm rocking the Kurtz morph. Next step is DK, but that's gonna be awhile :P Well here are some images of the past week or so! Enjoy and good luck all.
got a 5% ring on FI when I was about 99% and nzel/ndai from various places!

And this is from today, I was in FV and saw 2 Iffys on the screen lol, one droped a ndai :P

Well that's it, laters.
Not much has happened over the passed few days. Killed 2 Demons, but dropped junk. Only cool thing that happened was... well... look at the last 2 pics and see for urself!
Thats right! Yon hit lvl 51 ^_^. I'm sure he'll post some stuff soon about lvl up and wahtever. It's far to hot right now, so imma go afk, lates.
Well now that I have -60 AC and a +7 Tsu, I can finally solo in FV quite well. I have been going crazy in the past 3days.... I have gone from 35% to 45%. I know 10% at lvl 48 isent much in 3 days but with 2 full time jobs... one actally work and the other being my girl friend, I would say thats pritty good lol. Watch out Kenny and IbeNubbins, I'm Coming!!
We sold the Amulet for 60m adena and +7demon gloves. I have a picture for it... ah here it is:
Pretty nice if u ask me. I bought CoI/RoPC/RoTC with it, and still have 7m left over. Blade got his share, and soon will have -6x ac along with a +7-8tsu or something, not sure what he's getting. All I know is, I gotta start leveling fast or else IbeNubbins (IbeElf) will catch up to me! Lates all and I wish u the best of luck!
Just updating what we're selling the Black Wizard Amulet for. We're accepting RoTC (16m), Arobe (13m), RoPC (2.7m), CoI (20m) and 35m adena. Or a total of 87m if my math skills arent to rusty.That's all. I got some plans today so wont be on much. Same with tomorrow :P Goin swimmin! Have fun guys, and best of luck!
Well well well, guess who finally decided to start posting again? That's right! It's your beloved Yonaki! Well all I can say is i'm nearly lvl51 now and got some cool screen shots i'm gonna upload right now..... and here we go!
Here is Iffy finally giving a good drop, but it was during drop event, lol

Demon dropped junk but still fun to end him.

And got a bzel during during drop event :)

Well, that's all for now.. Time to get kurtz :)
Aiiiiiiiight well today was a VERY VERY good day. I talked BladeWarrior into going to Oum Tunnel with me, just so we can get Dark Forester Boots or something to get him and I out of debt. Well... I think we did a little bit more than just out of debt... check this out. Be prepared to drool:
I am currently selling it. Mail me or BladeWarrior in game with offers. Prefered all adena, but item trades can work if they r the items we want. No answer is finalized without me (LegendarySS) and BladeWarrior agreeing to it. We r asking 180m OBO.
Start the bidding!
As I said b4, i got Ogre Blood drop with BladeWarrior but I haven't posted the picture yet. Here it is finally:
It's my bday today o.o im 20 years old now ^^ Imma make it a short post because its bloody hot out. Gonna go play my PS2 game now haha. If u need me, shout out on msn or something. Lates all, and have a good day!
I have a ton of pictures from DI. I was hunting with mainly BrownKnight, who recently quit, and IbeElf. I will slowly add all the pictures, so you can see our bad luck we had, but we'll never forget BrownKnight ^_^. Here's all the pics cropped and whatever. Was taking to long so ya. Enjoy!

As you can see there is quite a bit right there. We got 1 Bzel from a water boss, but that's all from EVERY pic ill post on DI. I went chaotic on a few bots, and decided to unchao where I killed them, in OT. Not to long after BladeWarrior and I left partys but said we'd split all loot anyways. As I left the party an Ogre appeared, and Blade killed it. It dropped Ogre Blood haha. Oh, today I didn't wanna use a second char till my mage got 52+ and whatever, so I popped an ndai on my +6dama claws (my nubbins DE)It's posted in a pic above.