Greetings! It is I, the famous (or infamous, depending on how much you like me) MerryXmas! Big thanks goes out to Kenny for giving me access to this...I still need to learn how to work with it a bit, so bear with me. I would have posted sooner, but I was really, REALLY waiting for a particular special occasion, and unfortunately that occasion got delayed by a few days.
Before I say anything else, I'm going to point this out myself: yes, I'm using a pink font. You got a problem with that? As I discussed what fonts i could use with Kenny, I decided that the coolest font would be pink. My reasoning: if you've seen the movie Reservoir Dogs, Steve Buscemi plays Mr. Pink, who just so happens to be the coolest character (and one of the coolest actors). 'Nuff said. Plus, I'm comfortable enough with my masculinity to deal with pink. Are YOU? haha
Now on to the main topic. The "special occasion" to which I referred to happened about an hour ago. I'll let these pics do the talking. Assuming, of course, i can upload the pictures lol.

Lvl 49 and 99.99%. Is there anything sexier?

That's right. Yours Truly is now lvl 50.
Ok, i actually have more pics too, but this whole uploading pictures thing is confusing me somethin' awful right now and I have a chemistry test to study for lmao.
Anywho, that's my first post, MerryXmas' Grand Opening lol. I'll post again later whenever I can figure out how to work out this whole picture deal. Still new to this thing. Peace out all~!
Well bro... CONGRATS!!! someday I'll hit 50 on Lineage 1 but until then I play Lineage 2 ^^. See u on the flip side.
Congratulations dood!! keep up the hard work u deserve it, and enjoy your new magic spells!!!
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