Ok, I think I got this picture thing down now. So, on my last post i asked if there was anything sexier than lvl 49 and 99.99%.... well, there is.

bam. lovin' it.
As a fond farewell to the line of wind, i also decided to take a pic of this:

that's not someone in fire archer poly... that's an actual fire archer lol. I still don't know if it actually makes them do more dmg or anything, but it's just funny to know that i can wind mops. I first found out when i was messin around on FI and i winded a de lol.
Also, i realized this after my last post; most of you probably know who i am, but some of you may not... obviously i'm MerryXmas, elf on dep server, and as i mentioned before, Kenny hooked me up with access to this blog. I play lin more than is good for me, but oh well...
in just 2 days and i'm already at 7.41% xp, i'm really lookin forward to lvl 51 hehe. Stupid ep3 gonna suck tho, but until then i'm definitely gonna enjoy nb.
I prolly have other stuff that i wanted to say, but i always tend to forget little, inconsequential things like that, so whatever. Gonna go hunt and i'll try to take some cool pics to post, like killin some TOI bosses or somethin. For example killed vamp on Monday night... best drop was 50mp belt lol.
Aight, i'll post later, bye all... and may the force be with you!
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