Friday, December 30, 2005
Ahh... where to start... I guess I'll start with the pictures and a very small story behind each one! In the first pic I am doing my average gathering of mops and I got an ndai! Yay!

Kinda sad how an ndai can make me happy but since my return I haven't gotten anything good! Anyways in this next pic... It shows some more mops in the group.

Same group just a fe seconds later. Thought I took a better one than this LoL. Meh.

Ahhh the better one of the few. A nice handful of mops with a nice amount of drops on the ground. As you can see EXP is quite ugly, but that's lvl 49 for ya!

Now onto the next bit. Yonaki and I went to ToI 24f and we were there for an hour b4, Ayaka and TheCoolGuy or something like that, showed up. Very shortly after I3aby and someone else were there to. Right when Ayaka saw us he started hitting us. While hitting us Yonaki tried to reason with him.
We are at peace with all pledges. We resolved all issues with circle, yet Ayaka hits us. Apparently Vektra doesn't know y we were attacked, so we're kinda confused. If any circle members and/or leaders could whisper me and tell me what we did wrong, I would very much so appreciate that.
That's all for now though. For the next few days (maybe a week) I wont be getting much exp at all since I made an arrangement with someone. Lates and GL!
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Small post for now! This is over 2 days or so... I think!

I was sitting in town while this happened... my only guess is that I did enough damage to get some loot from an Iron Golem and managed to ninja loot from OTZ. I dunno tho... I was in town for like 5+ mins.

Ahh... I don't know how YOnaki does it... but somehow he is CRAZY lucky. Everyday he's gotten at least one of the following: bzel (3) and bdai (1).

Shortly after going to ToI lower floors for scrolls, we had to go. I decided to restart instead of tele home. After a small break I decided to check to see if AG was up... as u can see he was!

I figure'd I'd take a few screens as I'm waiting for more people to show up. This one was better than the first anyways.

You could always hope for better drops, but a ndai still helps a little bit.

These were the people involved in the killing. Shortly after I saw him I told PinkGoddess to show up. After awhile trying to get my friends on MSN to show, Ele logged on and called Riff. That's all for now, so good luck and i should wish merry christmas and happy new years!
Friday, December 23, 2005
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
I hope I'll hit level 49.50% by the end of the event! As long as Yonaki and I continue to hunt and find low population spots that give good exp... which is quite rare!
Sunday, December 18, 2005
I was hunting for I2H (since I owe someone 7mil) and all of a sudden a ton of monsters spawned! I see demon. Was kinda scary since I got hit 3 times with fireball, so i venz. I come back really quickly. Try to lure him to the beginning but all of a sudden my health drops to 73 hp. I venz once more and run back.

Shortly after (well not that shortly but whatever) he ends. drops plate mail @.@ That's all for now tho.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
I am now a Naruto fan thanks to Nathan @.@ Anyways Lineage has been very slow and kinda boring... no good drops yet. I need Merry's cash to buy me items!!!! Grrr! @.@ Meh I'll post later. I'm bored and posting isnt helping! Lates
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
I made it safely to Nathan's house! That's right! Back in BC! WOOHOO! Errm... anyways. I got my account finally ^_^ I actually have some stuff! That was a shocker... a lot of condensed healing pots and stuff. If you need me in game or something whisper me "LegendarySS". I gotta eat dinner right now and then go watch some anime @.@ lates! ^^