Was hunting for awhile when I got this:

Then to finish off my hunting I decided to get 2 packs of mops in Desert.

Before all this happened I got 2 ndais from a friend :) Along with 300 mgems and 35 bteles or so. THANKS MAN!
Was hunting for awhile when I got this:
well...I am still trying to get the Dark headband, Dark Gloves, and Dark Boots. And i want to upgrade my claws to claw of bravery, and my crossbow to ancient bowgun, but that will take a long time. so...if anyone finds the items i want, please save them so that i can buy them.
I don't have any pictures but OnlyMowin and I entered the Werldern DM and we lasted to the end! Two Drakes spawned so it was quite easy :) That's a small update for now :P No pictures tho but OnlyMowin might have some.
seems like the posting has slowed down by everyone but Nathan... My lineage life, as I'll call it, has slowed down BRUTALLY... still lvl 34 but soon it'll get higher... dunno why I have slowed down. anyways this is another one of my short posts so I gotta go. :) lates!
I havent been playing much at all... I'm still level 34... BUT! my good friend is getting married ^_^ I'll try my best to be there! Anyways I have to go LoL.
well... I got to lvl 18, but in SKT i died 3 times, down lvled to 17, and had to buy my ECM back.
well...I got to level 15, and did the quest (which was really easy and took 1 min.) and i got 2 good drops, as well as the reward. i posted the pics to show it.
Well today was a very interesting day... first of all I got my csom after 3 tries @.@ then I got my IB's thanks to BeTrane for the 42 iron that I needed :). then... well... I wont get into detail but a very good friend of mine will most likely quit \./
Yay, I can play now. I am having some problems with sound on my computer so I cant go onto Ventrilo but for now I don't care. I want to join a clan soon, but I am only level 7 and am in need of new weapons and armor(mine sucks)
Well...Today I get to go computer shopping. If you see me in game today, or I wisper you ingame, you know I found a computer. Also, If anyone has anything to help out a dark elf it would be greatly appreciated.
Havent been playing as much as I hoped but I gotta correct my sleeping pattern LoL. I MIGHT play a lot tomorrow because my friend is comin out and imma get him addicted to the game lol I gotta go so lates
I would like to post the LinWeb for one of my chars, until i can get on to make CruelAngel, so here is Lirendiers LinWeb (in the LinWeb section on the left)
well... I am going to buy a computer soon, hopefully befor my birthday, so I can play lineage. as soon as i do, i will be in game leveling CruelAngel. Hope to see you all in game soon.
Well I did it. I finally hit level 30 after 4 days. Took long enough >.> LoL. Had another bad level up... but that's ok! I don't have any screenies because nothing that exciting happened yet LoL. Well I'm outtie. I'd like to wish you all a merry christmas again! Sorry mowin for going ahead but I thought i'd take the time to get exp here and there! we'll go hunt for Silence spellbook with our summons and get 800K each from it (we'll sell for 1.6mil so ppl WOULD buy it... I hope)!
I am not having the greatest christmas, Lineage still doesnt work for me, and I dont get any christmas presents. It will be my Bday soon, so maby i will start building myself a gaming comp then. and about my game there are 3 ways I will be able to play, 1: i fix the problem(watever it is), 2: i get the files i need directly, 3: i get a new computer.
Merry Christmas everyone! Just want everyone to have a wonderful christmas and an awesome time! Don't drink to much tho ;) I have to go now tho :(
nothing really cool going on but I did however get another little drop
Hi, I am currently having issues with Lineage client, but as soon as I can play I will be making a Dark Elf, hopefully with a name like CruelAngel, ArchAngel... you get the idea.
I added my linweb since i figured we needed that. :) Today was kinda fun but didnt get to play much and only hit lvl 28 :( lol (after 3 days i guess aint to bad) the orc santa didnt like the ppl that was hitting him so he had to be mean to all of us :( guess he needs more reindeer power to move his sleigh
Hey whats up guys this is Mowin here pwning everything as usual. Well legendaryss and I started mages 2 days ago and we are already uber strong as usual. We are risking death and winning every time :). Anyway enough talk, heres some of the things we are going crazy on :).
this event kinda sucks lol because im low lvl :( BUT i finished my int shield quest. funny thing is I got 2 zels b4 I finished the quest LoL. If anyone gets Dark Elven armor please save it. Whisper/mail me ingame and I will relay the message to my friend that needs it.
Today me and OnlyMowin went down to second floor of TI. We were low on mp so we used a mana pot then used meditation. At that time... we got teleported back! Then I whispered some DoM members to hurry it up because we knew Bapho was up. Here r some screenies
Oh yeah you heared me right. NC has pulled through with a christmas event. It starts from Wednesday, December 22nd and ends on Wednesday, January 5th! Seems like a lot of stuff will be in this event. here's the link:
Well I got to kill the Island Drake :)
Well I just woke up to hear my mom saying I have to clean my room. Then she wants to put the dishes in out new shelves we got. I'm ok with that. BUT then she wants to like arrange the whole house --; I wont be playing much today because of that
Hey I got my account today! Just created a mage :) 18 con/wis and 16int. That's the best mage you can make, but quite painful to get to 50+ lol. I hope to be level 20 tomorrow, and then 24 at least the next day, and so forth. Once I hit 28 it should come quickly if my friends will load me up with stuff. :) Here is a picture of me as of a while of playing.
Ok! I got so much done yesterday! Where can I start? Well I pretty much hunter FV ALL DAY(literally). Got a few good drops and went from 44% to 85% ^_^ I went from 200k to 600k now! Hopefully I can afford my Tsurugi soon! Well I gotta go back on a lvl up to 48!
Thanks to my friend jonny for making the flame look around the lineage logo! It looks better than the one that I had in green from a website :) I gotta go move my sister so I will be back tomorrow LoL.
Yeah well, i'm trying to lvl... trying, but it get boring pretty fast. I was in FV, no drops today but here are some pics. I was also in TOI earlyer with my pledge buddy but we didnt get much out of it, almost died though. Then we went FV. I plan on no sleep tonight cause I gotta lvl lvl lvl lvl and lvl some more!
Hey guys! Well its a new day in the wonderful lineage! Today i have been working on my elf and knight to make a Elven Chain Mail (ECM). After a long process i finally got the ECM! Thanks to the help from Kasnia! Now i will most likely go back to leveling my knight! Below is my adventure of getting my ECM, enjoy! Seeya @.@''
Welcome to the site! I'm the one that works on the set up of the site since I don't have an account yet. :P Hope you like it. There will be quite abit of people on this blog! Yonaki, Nayru, Atimus, ForeverMowin, Corey (don't know his in game name since he doesn't have an account), Emilio (don't know his in game name yet since he doesn't have an account), and me, which is in the same boat. :( We're hoping to update at least once a day but most likely more! Right now I'm just sitting here waiting and waiting till I get my account, LoL.
Hey guys, this is my first post. I'm a lvl47 knight on dep rushing for lvl50. So it's really cool Nayru invited me to this blog! I'll keep you guys updated on my lvling ^_^ See ya!
I fixed the site's look. I think it looks better set up like this. My friends agree and I hope you do to! I'm still waiting to get my account! Grr it's so hard to wait for it! I WANT TO PLAY NOW! Sigh... oh well I must wait. :( Peace out.
Today i have been killing several dwarfs and much FUN! @_@. Im trying to make some money by selling Iron and Rough mith at the giran trade village. So far i have been doing preety well. Made around 100k total in about two hours. Kinda slow...but hey its Adena and it gets me more and more ac! XD. So my main goal is to get the following soon.
Well just got finished selling 50 of my wafers, took long enough to collected them. heres some screens of the process:P
This is my first post! I don't have my lineage account but I know some of my friends that do. There will be a couple people on this blog so expect it to be updated quite often. Once I get my account I will try to update at least once a day. :)
Hi all, just started playing lineage again. Right now im only level 12 because I just started this charater yesterday but hopefully I will make it to level 50 with this one. Im going to attach a my first picture of my charater with this post so hope you all enjoy.
Sup guys! Woot my first post on our wonderfull lineage blog! Well so far im really really tired and its almost 1 am in the morning right now so i can barely even keep my eyes open. Also tomorrow ill be at my dads so i dunno when ill play again O_o. But for now Names AlphaNayru im a level 19 CON knight and im of course of Dep. Server! Hope to see you in game....time for me to sleep...zzzzzzzzzzzz