Hi everybody!! Well my knight is now obsolete and im now useing a Dark Elf, witch i am enjoying very much. its fun to make Kenny mad by useing blind hiding =) i also avoid being pked today because of it too lol. some fag in bapho morph was chasing me. he was only on haste so he couldent catch me. i didn't know what class we was so i didn't use it right away. but once to braved up i figured he was a knight. and sure enough, i used blind hiding and he lost me LOL. ahhh good times good times. i didn't care for the name because he was lawful and Kenny wouldn't go after a lawful person. he wouldnt want to waste a few days going un chao lol. well thats all for now... see you LOYAL lineage ONE players in game ;)
check out my main in 3 types of armor
well in lin2 i have 3 chars, lvl 33 shillen oracle, lvl 33 assassin, and lvl 12 human knight
i am working on both the assassin and human simotaniously, since my clan needs a tank, but also more dagger users, my assassin has near top d and hunting in cruma, and my human has top none, and wen hits 20 i upgrade to brig, and prolly will be the whole brig set <(^.^)>
No posts lately :( Nothing interesting except i hit 48 heh. i gotta go now tho just thought i'd post!
well my assassin is currently lvl 27, and may hit 28 tonite, or it will be tomorrow, maby even s9 tomorrow. i will post a screen of my char as soon as i hit 30 and i join MementoMori, and i will see if Excellence can invite me into gludio castle again to get a pic of me sitting on the throne again <(^.^)>
Been awhile so here is whats happened over the past few days. Went around helping XTheLegendX (BladeWarrior's brother) to get the turtle shell for level 15 knight quest. Got this in the process:
Was kinda cool I don't get those to often :) So he finds a turlte and runs off the screen and I HAD to kill this Ramia since it was shouting kill me! I get this:
Hmmm I thats weird o.o I just got 2 back to back pretty much! I was loving it :P BladeWarrior and I decided we could take FI and we did! Was very good exp for the short time we were there for!
Whoa! Another one! Was kinda hoping for something else but you cant win'em all! So I decided to leave that area and go to dvc in hope for ropc/rotc/bliz and got this:
Sucks that it was N :( The next day I hunted with BladeWarrior and RIGHT when we got down to 3f we get this:
sigh another N :( When will we get a B-zel?! We got a B-dai so far from'em :( Oh well. The next day (Being today) I was in dvc 4-5f and decided... hey... imma go 11-14f in toi! well dire wolves dont give me mp so i lasted a few mops and got this!
ARG ANOTHER N!!!! I WANT MY BZEL SO I CAN PAY OFF MY 4MIL DEBT!! Errm... Anyways I had fun :) I go back in game soon! Later all!
Well again its been a while....ive actaully been busy with many things.....Besides lineage2 ive been working on my game! :) its called orb of destiny and its doing preety well right now.
This is the beggining shot :P.
And for lineage2 things have been going well...i need to start kicking into gear though..but this game im making is sooo adicting! @_@.
Some wierd glitch...
Well thats all for now seeyou guys later!
Well I started hunting for blizzard and this happened:
So I leveled up and leveled down! I was mad, yes, but didn't go crazy. After awhile of hunting this happened:
As you can see I have 1 more hp and 2 more mp!!! So I am happy with my first down level and re level. Then my other friend hunts with me and this we get this:
To bad it was N. :( LoL anyways all in all a very good day. Level up, get A-Robe for 7mil, then die and re-lvl with better stats. :) Later all its time for a movie then sleep!
PS: Sorry for the crappy quality of my pictures now I don't have adobe photoshop... I gotta open in quick time then copy/paste into paint then save as jpeg so the quality of my pictures r gonna suck!
well i joind back to lineage 2 like jordan did, and met up with some old friends
that is a pic of my mage "Orias" and my friend and powerlvler friend in my clan i will post a pic of CruelAngel(my main) as soon as i hit lvl 30 and join the clan too. btw, for those who played it b4 c2, it is so much harder now, i am lvl 20 with top d and cant hunt in RoD well cuz everything uses magic and even with elven set i still take lots of dmg, but i met a guy that made a SS in 1 week and he will help me lvl as well as getting me a bow thank you jesus, btw his name is JesusLives.
Ok well I was hunting for awhile in ToI 31f-37f and got this in the duo:
Then earlier this happened:
Then MerryXmas gave me 4mil on top of my 3mil and I bought...
OMG IM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!!! Feel sorry for XN1GHTPOWERX since it was his A-robe that someone picked up but hey... sometimes we gotta let the little people get items! I'm outtie lates!
It's been awhile since my last post so here comes a mid-sized one. I finally saved up... *drum roll please*
3mil! If I keep this up in due time I can get my Ancient Robe! After that I decided to go and have some fun in OWL. My real life friend, that came on ventrilo, said he was there so I thought I'd bug him alittle. Well the only Ghoul he decides not to touch... well... I'll let the picture speak for me.
The next day (being today) we head up to 30F looking for vampire but not up. As soon as we got to the floor I almost crapped my pants when I saw this:
Well... all good things must come to an end... literally!
I had alot of fun but I wont let my very first death bum me out. On MageWarrior I died 51 times at level 47 and downleveled from 16-15 like 30 times. I'd say it's an improvement! Anyways I go back in game now!
LengendarySS and I where hunting in FV and look what we found:
And we Ended it too... Nothing good, thats why I dont have a pic of the drops.
Posting has gotten very slow! I've been busy hunting those darn Dark Elf Wizards/Guards... I'll just say the Lastabad army. I WANT THAT ROBE AND OR STAFF! Anyways I'm taking a break from leveling and once I get the robe at the least, I'll head to FI with a few friends in hope of a few good drops. Anyways I'm off to sleep and once I get that robe I will post more (I hope).
So, havn't gotten any really good drops recently, a few nzels and ndais but nothing special. My friend and I did this really cool trick in Ivory Tower. It's a cool way to lvl a mage.
Then last night I was hunting with my friend in Fire Valley and all of the sudden I saw about 3 dead people on the ground and Phoenix was right there! I think that was about the 2nd time i've seen Phoenix. A couple high lvl people came and eventually ended Phoenix. Took them a long time!