Gonna start this off with some drops... 

So the drops from the drake sucked but other than that... yes, i've made some money :) in about an hour on DI, i got 2 nzels, 2ndais, and a bdai.Another point of interest, i went to the test server, just to see how it was and... well, here's a pic of the elf:
The first thing i thought when i saw that was: Anorexic hunchback. That's all i can think of when i see the new elf sprite. I don't really like it. But oh well.... *sigh*i'm only at about 27% now...i've been lagging too much for the past 2 days to really get any xp. Oh well.K i'm outtie, i'll post later... cya peeps :)
Well first off I would like to say hello 2 everyone this is Mudd:) This is my first post here on this fantastic blog !! And a big thanks 2 Kenny for letting me post. Well I don't relay have much 2 say I need 2 start taking some ss and my skills suxor so when I get some good pics I will try 2 post them
Hunting DI pays off:
The 2 zels were both N and that last one was a bzel.... awwww yeah, all to myself baby. And as if that weren't enough, i got 3 more nzels (1 from water spirit, 2 from ice golems)... so it's a total of 5 nzels and 1 bzel, and i only spent a little over an hour on DI, maybe an hour and a half tops. Rock on.In sadder news, i died to Iffy today, because of my own stupidity... should have venzed, but whatever. I made the majority of my xp back, resulting in a net change of -.50% for today which is fine.Driving to Houston tomorrow to see my gf and comin back Sunday so i won't be on til Sunday afternoonish/nightish. Hopefully in the few weeks i'll be able to do better xp-wise than i've been doin these past 4 or 5 days... on Monday i was at like 19% or so and now i'm only at 24.52%Before i post this and go to bed, one last thing i wanna say: Congrats to ArSun, newest dk elf on dep :)
I started hunting for my stupid Animal Bone for my second Katana. Well shortly after hunting I got a buckler (like 2K), cotton pants (im not sure price but prolly close to 5K) and then this:
Well that helps me out! thats like 150K in the stores so I'll get AT LEAST 90K ;) Well im outtie, peace!
I'll make a website for Lin2 stuff later (when im not to lazy). There aint anything better than this:

I lied... getting 2 of'em T_T Well BIG thanks goes out to my clan and allies in it. I'm pretty sure they donated like 80% or more on that one kat lol. I'm usin my dwarf (MrsClean [dont ask plz lol]) to get a ton of the mats needed most. Hopefully I'll get the mats in 3 days (ain't gonna happen lol) I go to sleep now, night all!
Heh, i found this pic from when i helped kill Phoenix not too long ago... i was at lvl 49 and like 92% or so at the time.
Kinda weak drops (nzel), but i got to keep those 2 hqs and i got an extra like 70k or so along with that so it's all good. I have 49 shining scales and 3 hqs... lol 1 more scale and 27 hqs to go and i got myself sbom :DKilled drake earlier today with a little help from ArSun...we were the only people hitting the drake, and i got first hit so i pretty much got all the drops (he just got some mgems) here's the pic:
I'm relatively confident that i had more things that i wanted to say too, but my life rl is pretty jacked up now (Kenny, you know what i'm talkin about) and i'd rather not really go into any detail. Oh yes, and i think i've finally established that my wireless internet hates my guts. I swear, every time i began to hunt today, my wireless internet would choose to disconnect. Nearly got me killed before i had even been in fv for 2 minutes (and i'm not even exaggerating). I had d/ced and when i logged back on i was at a pitiful 90hp with a fire archer and lava golem waiting to beat the shit outta me lol.However, i haven't yet died at lvl 50, not even once, so i'm very proud of myself. It's been a little over a week now and i'm just about at 25% so... 3 more weeks like this and my ass'll be a fire archer :)
Yea buddy...some brand new pics here
And this bugger here, kinda sucked...
Anywho i got class in a bit, just though i'd share some of the excitement.. ooooo, arobe.... lol. Got class soon, so i'm off~
Found this baby yesterday on FI
It's a real shame the damn thing isn't worth jack crap. Maybe I'll keep it until ep3... I think i remember hearing that they're going to make 2 handed weapons better in ep3, and maybe this will actually be worth something then. Then I'll sell it for millions! bwahhahahaaha! haha, oh well.As far as today goes, i really haven't gotten much xp for 2 reasons: 1) i spent lotsa time on di, screwing around and having fun (see Fig. 1), and 2) I have a 3-4 page paper to write that's due tomorrow. It is now about 10:40 PM and i have yet to begin writing. I'll get to that right after i post should be easy anyway, and i'll bet that by 1 or so i'll be back in Lin to hopefully make a bit more xp before i go to bed :)*ahem* Fig. 1:
One salamander gave me nzel and ndai lol... funny stuff! (not that funny, but i'll bet somebody is laughing at this. And if they weren't, they are now, hahahaah)and finally, the most recent update of what % i'm at:
peace out all!
Aight well this is how many materials I have right now:6 Silver Nuggets18 Thread155 Varnish11 Suede35 Iron Ore28 Animal Bone208Charcoal226 Stem33 Coal12 Animal SkinAs you can see I need A LOT more lol
wow. Just wow. Seriously, that's all I have to say. I spent 7, yes 7 hours on FI nonstop, not even exaggerating...and my best drop was a freaking 5% ring. 2nd best drop was s-ala. soooooo many drakes & basilisks killed and not a single good drop. That sucks so much.On the plus side, i got a total of exactly 5% yesterday, my new record high xp for one day. I'm now at 12% :Dok gonna take off now that's all i had to say lol
Ok, I think I got this picture thing down now. So, on my last post i asked if there was anything sexier than lvl 49 and 99.99%.... well, there is.
bam. lovin' it.As a fond farewell to the line of wind, i also decided to take a pic of this:
that's not someone in fire archer poly... that's an actual fire archer lol. I still don't know if it actually makes them do more dmg or anything, but it's just funny to know that i can wind mops. I first found out when i was messin around on FI and i winded a de lol.Also, i realized this after my last post; most of you probably know who i am, but some of you may not... obviously i'm MerryXmas, elf on dep server, and as i mentioned before, Kenny hooked me up with access to this blog. I play lin more than is good for me, but oh just 2 days and i'm already at 7.41% xp, i'm really lookin forward to lvl 51 hehe. Stupid ep3 gonna suck tho, but until then i'm definitely gonna enjoy nb.I prolly have other stuff that i wanted to say, but i always tend to forget little, inconsequential things like that, so whatever. Gonna go hunt and i'll try to take some cool pics to post, like killin some TOI bosses or somethin. For example killed vamp on Monday night... best drop was 50mp belt lol.Aight, i'll post later, bye all... and may the force be with you!
this is a list of what is needed for crafting the katanasiron ore, 976varnish, 1286mithril ore, 96adamantite nuggets, 30oriharukon ore, 98crystal c, 360stone of purity, 120animal bones, 3455this is from wat ken and i have
Greetings! It is I, the famous (or infamous, depending on how much you like me) MerryXmas! Big thanks goes out to Kenny for giving me access to this...I still need to learn how to work with it a bit, so bear with me. I would have posted sooner, but I was really, REALLY waiting for a particular special occasion, and unfortunately that occasion got delayed by a few days.
Before I say anything else, I'm going to point this out myself: yes, I'm using a pink font. You got a problem with that? As I discussed what fonts i could use with Kenny, I decided that the coolest font would be pink. My reasoning: if you've seen the movie Reservoir Dogs, Steve Buscemi plays Mr. Pink, who just so happens to be the coolest character (and one of the coolest actors). 'Nuff said. Plus, I'm comfortable enough with my masculinity to deal with pink. Are YOU? haha
Now on to the main topic. The "special occasion" to which I referred to happened about an hour ago. I'll let these pics do the talking. Assuming, of course, i can upload the pictures lol.
Lvl 49 and 99.99%. Is there anything sexier?
That's right. Yours Truly is now lvl 50. Ok, i actually have more pics too, but this whole uploading pictures thing is confusing me somethin' awful right now and I have a chemistry test to study for lmao.Anywho, that's my first post, MerryXmas' Grand Opening lol. I'll post again later whenever I can figure out how to work out this whole picture deal. Still new to this thing. Peace out all~!
It's broken down into the basic elements to create BOTH Katanas. If u need help reading it ask me LoL. Took me a while so u better enjoy it! lol
Link was fragged by me :)
Nathan and I will update once in awhile so u know how many mats we have!
Kenny's mats:
Iron Ore: 2
Coal: 6
Stem: 13
SoP: 0
Varnish: 2
Animal Bone: 5
Adamantite Nugget: 0
Kat Blade: 0
Ori Ore: 0
Charcoal: 1
Mith Ore: 0
Gemstone C: 0
C Grade Crystal: 0Nathan's mats:
Iron Ore: 31
Coal: 41
Stem: 100
SoP: 0
Varnish: 61
Animal Bone: 62
Adamantite Nugget: 0
Kat Blade: 18
Ori Ore: 0
Charcoal: 41
Mith Ore: 3
Gemstone C: 0
C Grade Crystal: 0
Well I've been waiting for someone to post (He knows who HE is!!!) for me to post. As you can see he hasnt posted yet so he must be slow. Anyways Imma quit lineage 1 for a little bit. Imma go since I just woke up o.o Need to eat and other stuff!
I hit lvl 40 tonite. so much fun to play an aw.i started a mage too thats going to go summoner, in a few lvls, i can prolly hunt with ken on his new char
well, i hit lvl 39 now.right after i ended part with my clannie who was lvling me, he go samurai long sword as drop, and i got SLS blade(he needs it anyways) then a few moins l8er hunting with another friends, we get ring of binding.i will be close to, if not lvl 40 tomorrowthen i will devot an entire day to doing my quests, as for the dual kats, i need to wait for the dwarf to come on so we can hunt(and he spoils)and mowin came back, ken im hurrying so we can lvl him.
I'll start of saying Test Server GOT EP3 BABY!!! check it out!! I'm downloading it right now :)
Now to the crappy news. I was in FV using bliz and hit a dead cell... needless to say I died since nothing worked... back down to 77% lol. I guess its a good thing... that I can laugh at my deaths o.o Not many people laugh when they die lol. Maybe I'm going insane?? Meh who knows!! I go on test server now, latas!
Well a good friend of mine quit because to him, Lineage got boring. I dont blame him since I know how bad the drops r. Out of all the bosses ended, the best drop would have to be a czel --; That's pretty sad since I ended AG 6 times, Greater Minotaur 1 time, Mummy Lord, Many Ifrits, RDD, Demon 3 times, and Baphomet 1 time. I know that isn't a huge list of bosses ended but u'd think that I should have gotten at least a bzel as best drop. Oh well, enough said, at least I can still talk to him! If I quit Lineage 1 I might try out Lineage 2 again (getting free dual kats in exchange for my dual sors). Who knows though! I go back in game to talk to ppl.
Hmm I think I wont play lin2 THAT soon... I have no more debt and have bliz now! WOOHOO!!! It kinda cost a real life friend to quit (he was going to already) so I guess it's aight. Imma save up money and pay him back everything he gave me and then some so he can return (I can power lvl him hehe)
*WARNING* Only read if you can take obscene language!
I started out hunting for once (been a few days). EvilSaiyan says lets go hunt FV so I'm like sure. Knowing burnburn and snowmanz were there i kept detecting. Well sure enough we saw'em. I was JUST about cone of cold'em to death because he was kinda far from me (at least it seemed). Well he burned me and I fucking died... Fucking pisses me right off. I FINALLY decide to play again and I get fucking ended because of FieldsOfLove and Illusional (at least that's who burnburn told me to blame the death on). It just fuckin makes me mad since I was close to lvl 49. These r the reasons I couldnt give a shit about lineage. Final burn is way to fuckin strong for its own good. How the hell can one spell, on a dark elf, do more damage than a mage can?! Only way a mage can do more damage is to spend like 15 fucking mil for meteor strike and MAYBE, if he's int, can do more damage. Final Burn costs nearly nothing and aint that hard to get. Oh well I thank you MerryXmas for ur patiences and once I get that 5mil I'm off lin for a long fucking time. It was fun later all!
I take back "It was fun". I left the pledge because I didn't wanna fight someone else's fight. I figured no one would mind since some other people left to. Main reason I was in DoM is because I had friends in it and I thought it was a neutral pledge. A pledge full of cool people that I'd love to talk to all day long. Well I can say, after today, I think SOME members r cool. MerryXmas, in my book, is probably the coolest person in the pledge. He aint bad mouthing me or anything. :) Thanks man. I can't say the same to EVERY pledge member since not all were on to say shit to me. OnlyMowin and EvilSaiyan and ZAshz feel the same way; we left. Oh well if the pledge continues to act how they r and be complete assholes about this then I'll quit Lineage entirely. I wonder if u'd do this to real life friends... I mean act the same way towards them as u do to some of us who left. Thanks DoM for the wonderful support!
Imma also add I was also thinking of quitting b4 this thing happened so it isn't entirely ur fault. And FieldsOfLove you werent on so I cant say u woulda done the same as some of ur other members but from knowing u as a very good friend I know u'd understand :)
like i said, i will post when i lvl up.
i hit lvl 38 today, did this lvl in less than 1 day, and i even died. only 2 lvls to go till i can use my theca set and dark screamer. but im not looking forword to doing all 3 quests, but im doing them with new stuff so it wont be too bad.
o ya, dwarf hit lvl 16, and is starting to make decent money for the lvl
in Lineage ][ i hit lvl 37 finally, and have 3 lvls, and 3 quests. i am all set for lvl 40 except jewerly, but i can afford that soon. my clan was seigin against Excellence's clan, but i didnt go cuz i was lvling and noone got close to Excellence to kill him for me :(.
i will post for each lvl i get
Hmm... I think I'll start with saying FieldsOfLove hit the big 5-4! Keep going man you got one more level to go!!! and as for me... I feel kinda sick so I don't know how much I'll be playing today. I need a level 51-55 CON Knight/DE to heal in 24f for 16 hours to level up. LoL... like that'll happen!
If you wish to post on this blog, and you're from dep, please email me at or send a mail to LegendarySS because not much Lineage 1 stuff is getting posted. I'm outtie, sorry for the short update!
Hey guys! Another wonderfull nayru's update. Lol with yet another game! isnt is amazing?! :P. Anyways again i decided to visit COH. Having lots of fun with my new character DRIOD101. Almost lv 8 right now very close. Heres come pics. Ands thats all for Nayru.
Does anyone else know that these guys are in for a surprise?
This is not Lineage related but I just wanted to post some pictures which I drew (I look at them then draw on the computer)!
Sometimes I just draw because it gets my mind off from leveling on lineage @.@ LoL. Oh well I gotta get up early so I'm either going to bed right now or not sleepin at all!
added that... what one looks better? the one on left or one on right? o.o